Camara de la Construccion de...

Un espacio para la mujer del nuevo Milenio

Para este directorio la presencia de la mujer en la
Cámara es imprescinidible. Hemos querido rescatar su
participación creando en nuestra revista un espacio
para ella.
Las afiliadas o esposas de los afiliados encuentran
esta vez un  lugar propio e integral en nuestra
institución, de manera que se sientan con la libertad
de expresarse.
Para ello hemos creado un espacio en la revista que se
llama "Ellas en primer plano" en donde entrevistaremos
exitosas mujeres de empresas constructoras o  afines a
ella. Un lugar para la decoración y la asesoria de cómo
aprovechar al máximo la iluminacion,  del cuidado de as
plantas, de como convertirse en empresaria, de como
participar activamente de las actividades de la Cámara
Todas las ideas son bienvenidas, cada una de ellas será
tomada muy encuenta y nuestro departamento de
Relaciones Publicas esta abierto para que cada una de
ustedes de acerque para tratar temas de interés común.

My Favorite Hero By JessiCCCa

    Somewhere along the line, you always find somebody
that wonders who is the one hero in your life, that
person that you admire more than anyone, and who has
those qualities and virtues that you wanted to have
yourself. It is common to ask the big  personalities
that are interviewed in newspapers why, and each one
responds according to his/her personal approach; most
choose religious or historical characters.
     I also have a hero that perhaps isn't found in the
history books, who doesn't appear in the press or on
 TV, and whose name is not recognized by anyone. My
hero is the Latin mother, that woman in whose
dictionary the word fatigue is not found, that works
arduously in the day and arrives home with forces
renewed to continue her work. The Latin mother many
times is at the same time father and mother, supplying
the family budget and inexhaustible source of love and
    She is the one who gives birth with pain, yet five
minutes later has forgotten it while contemplating her
baby.  She is the one who is present in the first step,
the first tooth, and the first bicycle fall, who
accumulates memories along the way in life, and
experiences that make her wise and noble...  She is the
one that joins the 'manitos' of their children every
night and never forgets to say a word for them.  She is
the one that has denied herself in order to carpet the
floor her children walk on. My heroine is the Latin
mother, for her value, her pain, her sacrifice and her
fatigue, but mainly for the love that this present in
each act and aspect of her child's life.